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Can’t Meet Your Parking Count and Need More Parking for your building project? Solving Your Parking Dilemma with the Puzzle Parking Systems



The frustration of finding parking in crowded urban areas is a common struggle for many drivers. For Building owners, building more parking can be expensive and valuable land may not be available. If you are a developer or design architect for commercial and residential buildings including Apartment Buildings and need parking innovative solutions that can save on cost and space yet yield the parking spaces that you need, do not hesitate to contact the Automated Parking Company for specification sheets that can help in the design of your cost saving innovative parking design of our puzzle parking systems from 2 levels high to 7 levels high. Double, Triple, Quadruple, 5X, 6X or 7X your parking with our custom puzzle parking systems. Let’s delve into how this innovative cost saving parking system works and the benefits it brings to the table.

Building a concrete parking structure can be very expensive and may not be the best solution in high density urban areas and subterranean digging can be expensive or almost impossible in some areas not to mention dewatering where necessary. According to a University of Florida Study a conventional parking space, JUST ONE SPACE FOR ONE CAR, can cost anywhere from $29,000 dollars to $80,000 depending on the area and the requirements needed to build such a structure like digging deeper or dewatering needs as mentioned before.

When comparing the costs of conventional cement parking garages with innovative semi-automated puzzle parking solutions, several factors come into play. Conventional cement parking garages are typically built using traditional construction methods, involving the use of concrete, steel, and other materials. These garages require a significant amount of space for construction and often entail high labor costs due to the manual labor involved in building them. Additionally, maintenance costs for conventional parking garages can be substantial, including expenses for repairs, cleaning, and regular upkeep to ensure safety and functionality.

On the other hand, innovative automated puzzle parking solutions offer a range of advantages that can lead to cost savings in the long run. These semi-automated systems utilize advanced technology such as robotic platforms, sensors, and computerized controls to efficiently park and retrieve vehicles in a compact space. One of the key benefits of semi-automated puzzle parking systems is their ability to maximize parking capacity in limited areas, making them ideal for urban environments where space is at a premium. This efficient use of space can result in lower land acquisition costs compared to building expansive conventional parking structures, in most cases we can even free valuable land for other uses and still double, triple or even 7X your building’s parking capacity.

The Automated Parking Company Puzzle Parking Saves You Space and Gives You More Parking

The Automated Parking Company Puzzle Parking Saves You Space and Gives You More Parking, Up to 7X More Parking Using Less Land To Build and Costs Less

Moreover, the construction costs of semi-automated puzzle parking systems can be competitive with traditional parking garages, especially when considering the reduced need for extensive excavation and foundation work. Since automated parking systems typically require less space and can be installed in existing structures or compact footprints, they can be a cost-effective solution for developers and property owners looking to optimize parking infrastructure without significant land and construction expenses. Additionally, the maintenance costs of semi-automated parking systems are generally lower than those of conventional garages, as they involve fewer moving parts and rely on automated processes for operation, reducing the need for manual interventions and repairs.  We also monitor all puzzle parking systems 24 hours a day with a state of the art monitoring system.

In terms of operational costs, semi-automated puzzle parking solutions can offer significant savings over time. These systems are designed to optimize parking efficiency, reducing the time and fuel consumption associated with circling parking lots in search of available spaces. By streamlining the parking process and minimizing idle time, semi-automated parking systems contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly parking infrastructure. Furthermore, some semi-automated puzzle parking systems offer features such as online booking and payment options, improving user experience and reducing administrative overhead for parking facility management.  Easy access Touch Screen Kiosks ensures only the users with authorized access can enter the facility.

Another factor to consider is the long-term value and return on investment (ROI) of semi-automated puzzle parking solutions compared to conventional parking garages. While the upfront costs of implementing automated systems may be higher, the potential for increased revenue from optimized parking operations, enhanced customer satisfaction, and reduced operational expenses can lead to a faster ROI and greater overall profitability. Additionally, automated parking systems can add value to properties by providing a modern and efficient parking solution that appeals to tenants, customers, and visitors.

While conventional cement parking garages have been the norm for many years, innovative automated puzzle parking solutions offer a compelling alternative with numerous cost-saving benefits. From lower construction and maintenance costs to improved operational efficiency and enhanced property value, automated parking systems present a viable option for developers, businesses, and municipalities seeking sustainable and efficient parking solutions in urban areas. By considering the long-term advantages and potential savings associated with automated parking technology, stakeholders can make informed decisions that benefit both their bottom line and the broader community.

What is the Puzzle Parking System?

The Puzzle Parking System is a semi-automated and vertical parking solution that maximizes parking capacity in limited spaces. It consists of a steel structure with multiple levels of parking spaces stacked on top of each other like a puzzle. Cars are parked on pallets that move vertically and horizontally within the structure, allowing for efficient use of space.

Future Proof Your Parking

One of the flexible design aspects of semi-automated parking is the all steel structures can be removed to repurpose your space down the road and future proof your building for future use. For example, if you are installing our fully automated agv system or Tandem Puzzle Parking Systems and are designing three levels of parking and believe there will be less need to park cars in the future, you might adjust the clear heights in your design. So for this particular example, ground floor could be 9ft or 10ft high, level two is 7ft high and level three is 10ft.

Level two will remain as the main parking area long term with the seven foot clear height. Ground and level three can be adapted for additional units or retail as needed.

How does the Puzzle Parking System work?

1. **Arrival**: When a driver arrives to their Puzzle Parking System, they simply click their key FOB from 75’ away and the system will retrieve their designated space to park. Pull in, shut the gate and your vehicle is securely parked

2. **Semi-Automated Parking**: The system takes over, parking your vehicle in the system. No attendant needed

3. **Retrieval**: When the driver is ready to leave, they enter their code into the kiosk or swipe their key FOB on the kiosk at the front of system.

Benefits of the Puzzle Parking System

The Puzzle Parking System offers a wide range of benefits that make it an attractive option for both property developers and drivers alike. Here are some of the key advantages:

**Space-saving**: The vertical design of the Puzzle Parking System allows for more cars to be parked in a smaller footprint, making it ideal for densely populated urban areas.

**Time-saving**: With its automated parking process, drivers can save time by avoiding the hassle of searching for a parking spot.

**Security**: Since the system stores cars in a secure enclosed structure, the risk of theft or vandalism is significantly reduced.

**Environmentally friendly**: By maximizing parking capacity in a smaller space, the Puzzle Parking System helps reduce overall carbon emissions from vehicles circling in search of parking.

So when we install our puzzle systems in multifamily, a lot of times people ask, am I going to have to wait behind other people to get my car when I come down to the garage? How long is that going to take? So when we install our puzzle systems, they’re in separate modules. And a module is typically anywhere from five cars to thirty cars. And depending on how many spaces you have, there’s usually multiple modules. Here might be 3, 5 ,10 depending on the installation. So that means if we have five modules in a garage, five different people can be parking and retrieving their cars simultaneously.

It’s not all one monolithic system. Pre Covid, the window for people to come out and pick up their cars in the morning was seven to nine in the morning. Post Covid, it’s more like six to ten. And a lot of people are working from home, so it’s even less now. So if you’re coming out, and in the event somebody’s out there every morning the same time as you, we can just work with the property manager. They can move cars around into different systems so people don’t overlap. Real easy to solve.


**Q: Is the Puzzle Parking System safe for my car?**
A: Yes, the system is designed with safety features such as sensors to prevent collisions and damage to vehicles.

**Q: Can the Puzzle Parking System accommodate different car sizes?**
A: Yes, the system can be customized to fit a variety of car sizes, from compact cars to SUVs.

**Q: How much does it cost to install a Puzzle Parking System?**
A: The cost of installation depends on factors such as the size of the system and the site’s requirements. It is best to consult with a professional provider for a quote.


In conclusion, the Puzzle Parking System is a futuristic solution to the age-old problem of parking shortages in urban areas. By maximizing parking capacity in a small footprint, automating the parking process, and enhancing security measures, this innovative system offers a convenient and efficient parking solution for drivers. If you’re tired of endless circling in search of a parking spot, it’s time to consider the Puzzle Parking System as a game-changer in the world of parking solutions. The costs of conventional cement parking garages versus innovative automated puzzle parking solutions encompass various factors, including construction costs, maintenance expenses, operational efficiency, long-term value, and environmental impacts.

While conventional garages may have lower upfront construction costs, they can incur higher maintenance and operational expenses over time. In contrast, automated parking systems offer potential cost savings through efficient construction methods, streamlined operations, reduced staffing needs, and enhanced property value.

Additionally, automated systems can contribute to sustainability goals by optimizing parking space usage, reducing environmental impacts, and promoting greener urban development. Evaluating these cost considerations comprehensively can help stakeholders make informed decisions and choose parking solutions that align with their financial, operational, and sustainability objectives.

The Automated Parking Company Car Lift Storage Stacker Solutions

The Automated Parking Company offers a variety of car lift storage solutions designed to incorporate the assistance of parking attendants or valet operations utilizing our No Post Clear Span StackerDouble Stacker, and both our Triple and Quad Stackers. These attended parking lifts can instantly add to or enhance parking capacity and are ideal for use in attended parking facilities. From Quad stackers to No Post solutions, we offer convenient stacked parking options for efficient space utilization and convenient parking.

Our Puzzle Parking System Products

1 High 1 Deep Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking solution has a grade level space and one space in the pit. Clear height at grade is typically +/-8’, and the pit depth is 6’-10” to 8’ depending on the size of auto.

2 High Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking solution offers two levels at grade with a min of 12’ clear to 14.5’ clear depending on the size of vehicles deposited in the system. This puzzle parking solution can be designed as a tandem configuration. This puzzle parking system can be designed as a stand-alone structure. Maximize parking space and parking density for your building or new construction.

2 High 1 Deep Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking design offers two levels at grade with a min of 12’ clear to 14.5’ clear and a 6’-10” to 8’ pit depth depending on the size of vehicles deposited on each level. This puzzle parking solution can be custom designed and built as a tandem configuration.

3 High Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking system solution offers three levels at grade with a min of 18’ clear to 22’ clear depending on the size of autos deposited in the system. This solution can be designed as a tandem configuration. This puzzle parking solution can be designed and built as a stand-alone parking structure.

3 High 1 Deep Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking system offers three levels at grade with a min of 18’ clear to 22’ clear and a 6’-10” to 8’ pit depth depending on the size of autos deposited in the puzzle system. This puzzle parking solution can be designed and built as a tandem configuration.

4 High Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking system offers four levels at grade with a min of 24’ clear to 26’ clear depending on the size of autos deposited in the system. This solution can be designed as a tandem configuration. This puzzle parking system can be designed as a stand-alone structure.

car parking lift system

4 High 1 Deep Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking solution offers four levels at grade with a min of 24’ clear to 26’ clear and a 6’-10” to 8’ pit depth depending on the size of autos deposited in the puzzle system.

car parking lift system

5 High Puzzle Parking System

This 5-Level high puzzle parking system offers five levels at grade with a min of 30’ clear to 33’ clear depending on the size of autos deposited in the system. This solution can be designed as a tandem configuration. This puzzle parking solution can be designed and built as a stand-alone structure.

6 High Puzzle Parking System

This 6-Level High Puzzle Parking System offers six levels at grade with a min of 36’ clear to 39’ clear depending on the size of autos deposited in the system. This solution can be designed as a tandem configuration. This puzzle parking solution can be designed as a stand-alone structure.

car parking lift system

7 High Puzzle Parking System

This puzzle parking solution offers seven levels at grade with a min of 42’ clear to 45’ clear depending on the size of autos deposited in the system. This solution can be designed as a tandem configuration. This puzzle parking solution can be designed as a stand-alone structure.